Hunting Membership Rates 2024-2025


Hunting Dues, 2024-2025 Season

Adult - $1,500

Family - $ 2,500

Intermediate (18-29 yrs) - $500

Junior - (12 years and younger)- $150

(13-17 years)- $250

Social - $250

Affiliated - $600 (for primary members of other hunts that wish to hunt with WHC, 7 hunts allowed)

All fees can be paid electronically via PayPal to “”, or by sending a check written to Wicomico Hunt Club. If paying by PayPal, please add in 3% to cover PayPal fees.


Capping Fees

A fixture card, properly received, is an invitation to hunt. Capping is permitted throughout the regular season at the discretion of the Masters or Secretary.


Adult: $125

Intermediate (18-29 years): $50

Junior (17 years & younger): $25 (except for a junior hunt.)

3 Cap Package: $325

A guest must be accompanied by their host member. Give every consideration to our landowners through whose courtesy and kindness hunting is made possible.

Guests, please arrive 45 minutes early with pre-signed release and cap fee in envelope with your name, address & email on outside and deliver to Secretary or a Master.

Rules and Reminders from the Masters

  • No hunting allowed without submission of a completed, updated release form prior to any club activity and payment of dues by September 1. If a member has paid one-half of their regular dues and needs additional time to pay the balance, the member should contact a Master to request an extension up to the date of opening hunt (first Sunday in November), but the member still may not hunt until their dues are paid in full.

  • All children (under 18) must be chaperoned at all times by a hunt member or an adult individual approved by a Master, who will accompany the child on horseback and ride in a field approved by a Master who will give due consideration to the riding abilities of the junior and the chaperone..

  • To check fixture card or confirm meet locations, call the hunt line at 302-822-1595.
